arbeit plus #Diginclusion Hub

15. April 2020

arbeit plus #Diginclusion Hub – 2 frameworks to foster digital inclusion in the context of Social Enterprises

The current COVID-19 crisis stresses the importance of digitalization, respectively digital inclusion, in the context of social businesses. To prevent the exclusion of disadvantaged people from the labor market, competent supporters are urgently required – especially these days. 

Together with social enterprises VFQ and B7arbeit plus – Social Enterprises Austria is currently developing the local pilot project #Diginclusion Hub

The competence framework model in progress is based on the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens and aims at supporting the staff of social business in their daily work. Assisted by the newly developed online tool, social workers, advisors, supervisors and trainers will be able to implement their digital competences adapted to the needs of long-term unemployed. Thereby, they will be able to support their clients in improving their skills, tackle social exclusion and foster their chances to find employment. 

Furthermore, a complementary competence framework will be developed for social business’ staff requirements. This will serve as a basis for describing their individual profiles and their digital skills and functions. This is not only important in terms of recruiting, but also with regard to internal HR development. 

Both frameworks will be the results of several workshops, expert-interviews and meetings. 

Social(i)Makers is funded by Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE and supported by the European Funds for Regional Development and the Federal Ministry of the Republic of Austria – Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection. In Austria, Social(i)Makers is implemented by ZSI – Centre for Social Innovation and arbeit plus.